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Podcasting from the Netherlands

Welkom bij de Gadgetman vs Minimalist Podcast. Hieronder kun je alle afleveringen beluisteren! Heb je een suggestie, een vraag, of iets anders dat je met ons wil delen, dan kan dat via good old email naar: of, en dat is veel leuker, via de SpeakPipe, daar kun je een spraakbericht voor ons inspreken.


Uitleg over van alles en nogwat. Rubriek in The Fake News Show op YourSafe Radio.

The IT Professional's Guide to Surviving in IT:
30 Years of Laughs, Facepalms, and Actual Wisdom


Dive into the digital jungle with Mark J. Baars' hilarious and insightful guide to surviving (and thriving) in the world of IT.


With over three decades of experience, Baars offers a unique blend of practical advice and laugh-out-loud anecdotes that will resonate with both seasoned pros and newcomers to the field.


From unraveling the mysteries of legacy systems to decoding the behavior of non-IT lifeforms, this book covers it all.


Learn the art of not breaking things, discover the zen of minimal management with the legendary Henk, and explore the mythical creatures that roam the IT landscape.


Packed with real-world wisdom on everything from backup strategies to work-life balance, and sprinkled with pop culture references and industry in-jokes, this guide is your essential companion in navigating the often absurd world of Information Technology.


Whether you're a code-slinging developer, a network-wrangling sysadmin, or just someone trying to figure out why turning it off and on again fixes so many problems, this book is for you.


Get ready to laugh, learn, and maybe even find a new appreciation for the chaotic beauty of life in IT.

IT Pro's Guide to Surviving in IT
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